Sunday, June 8, 2008

the standard

helllo readerrs (caitlin),  another week's gone by and it's been interesting. Thursday night I went with some friends to a club called heaven, which reminded me of a very selective heaven where people don't smile and drinks are twelve dollars. Friday morning I went to an urgent care center bc my tonsils were huge ! only to find out it was my allergies. But that night I went to a club called popstarz with my roomie Layne and some of his friends. They only played electropop top25 stuff and we danced the whole night. it was dope except when I left my zipper was down :? 

When I got home I watched my first sunrise through my window, slept three hours and went to the standard hotel the next day in downtown. It was super trendy. Each hotel room is a little bit different. Like some rooms had a giant foot in them. It was the perfect mix of random and hotel. The pool was on the rooftop and when we got up there they had squirt guns laid out for everyone.
The people there were all dressed really cool and were all super friendly. I definitely got some new wardrobe ideas.

I'm not big on being under the sun, mostly because I change races in ten minutes... so i made sure to cover up. But I became a teddy graham anyways, especially on my tummy.
My hair and my aviators gave me super chic tan lines across my face. Notice my two-toned tyra forehead.
These girls posted up next to us and were really funny, they were way into these rubber ducks and had a mad photo session with them. When we left we gave them our lounge bed and they gave us a duck in exchange. 
When I got home I was way too tired and burnt to go out. 

I got these really dope vintage slacks turned shorts. I tried to take a picture of the whole thing but the details are what's important here. check out the blue pinstripes!
stay tuned.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

living lohan

I've been settled for a week or so and getting accustomed to the driving (ers).  I live in a apartment (hotel) and  started working for independent tv festival yesterday. I've done a number of things.. reading and excels. I've met some interesting people and really enjoy going out here. The weekends have been a lot of fun and I can't wait till it feels like home. I share a bedroom with my roommate Kevin. His bed's an arm length away and we hold hands when

we fall asleep. mines the red bed. I went to my first dance party and had so much fun. A tranny with a spinning disco hat stamped our hands to get in. It was stellar. 
My mission is to take as many pictures this weekend so you all can see what's here.

miss your faces.
