Wednesday, June 4, 2008

living lohan

I've been settled for a week or so and getting accustomed to the driving (ers).  I live in a apartment (hotel) and  started working for independent tv festival yesterday. I've done a number of things.. reading and excels. I've met some interesting people and really enjoy going out here. The weekends have been a lot of fun and I can't wait till it feels like home. I share a bedroom with my roommate Kevin. His bed's an arm length away and we hold hands when

we fall asleep. mines the red bed. I went to my first dance party and had so much fun. A tranny with a spinning disco hat stamped our hands to get in. It was stellar. 
My mission is to take as many pictures this weekend so you all can see what's here.

miss your faces.



Russell said...

Yall should push your beds together, that would be really cute.

ryan charles said...

i pitched it but it didn't fly :/ hah

Shiny Kid said...

raddd! i'm adding yr blog to mine :D miss youuu! take more pictures :D

Anonymous said...

I love you more than words. Your next blog entry should be about how you went down to Newport and visited your wife...
love you silly,